“…where the heart is rightly disposed toward God and this commandment is observed, all the others follow.”― Martin Luther,  Large Catechism


You shall have no other Gods.

What does this mean?

We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.




The First Commandment

In this Joy:Fully Catechized series, we’re going to walk step by step through Luther’s Small Catechism providing you with resources to give you a fuller understanding of each of the 6 chief parts.


What does this mean? All Lutherans know this question well, and if you’ve been confirmed, you likely know the answer, too.

We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

But as you might also recall from catechesis, God’s Word is much richer and deeper, not only telling us what we should and should not do, but also outlining for us His many gifts and the ways in which He protects those gifts for us with His holy law.

Consider the following resources as you study God’s Word, reflecting especially on this first of His Ten Commandments:


The Small Catechism | Martin Luther
The 10 Commandments

The Large Catechism | Martin Luther
The First Commandment



Sing the Faith: The Small Catechism Set to Music | Concordia Publishing House
The First Commandment



Higher Things Video Catechism
Pastor Mark Buetow
The First Commandment

Higher Things: The Largely Catechized Life
Pastor Harrison Goodman

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a God?
  3. Faith, Trust, and God
  4. Our Clever Old Adam and His God
  5. Trust in God, Not Yourself
  6. The Law is Good from a Good God
  7. Where the Head is Right
  8. God doesn’t care about fair
  9. A God Who Wants to Take Care of You

Grappling with the Text
Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
The First Commandment and Six Idols

Teaching Christian Basics
Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller
The First Commandment

Small Catechism Tuesday
Pastor Jacob Ehrhard
The First Commandment

The Catechized Life | Pastor Matt Richard
The First Commandment