seventh sunday after the epiphany


Please read the note below from Pastor Woodhouse regarding his sermon:

This Sunday begins the seventh and last week of Epiphany. Next week, we will remember the Transfiguration. And after that, we will once again confront the penitential season of Lent as we prepare for the awesome and terrifying story of Christ’s passion: His crucifixion and resurrection for the salvation of the world.

It is appropriate, as we remember Lent each year, to reflect on the unimaginable price God paid for our rescue from sin, and how Jesus Christ suffered the fate we deserved and He did not. But our Old Testament and Gospel lessons for this week give us something else to think about that familiar story of Holy Week: That as sinful men and women – along with us aside them – hated God, raged against His Law, and plotted to remove Him completely from our lives… God was still in control. He still loved us. And He turned our hatred and violence into the means by which He saved us from our own wickedness. What men had intended for evil, God meant it for good.