Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35)




twelfth sunday after pentecost


Please read the note from Pastor Woodhouse regarding his sermon below:

Our lectionary this week seems to continue the theme of describing miraculous feedings and their aftermath with the story of Elijah in our Old Testament reading. But this miracle seems more intimate: Instead of a great multitude of people, God provides for one man’s sustenance. And instead of feeding sheep without a shepherd, Elijah is being strengthened for the work for which God has selected him.

In contemporary times, it’s probably pretty easy to sympathize with Elijah’s feelings in the Old Testament reading. He has just demonstrated God’s power and the falseness of the religion of Ba’al with the famous showdown at Mount Carmel, and has instructed the false prophets of Ba’al to be executed, only to have the queen commit to executing Elijah in revenge. Elijah has fled for his life, feels alone and helpless, and is resigned to dying.

But God still has plans for Elijah, and feeds him miraculously so that he will have the strength to continue to work. In the same way, God supports our needs of body, mind, and spirit so that we can continue to follow Him and serve our neighbors. And this week’s sermon will identify how God continues to feed us in times of trouble.


A quick note on this week’s hymns for worship: I typically use the “Hymn of the Day” indicated by the Lutheran Service Builder online, which is a very helpful way to follow the appointed readings, graduals, introits, collects, verses, etc. This week’s recommended hymn – 534: Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor – is a little unfamiliar to me, and seems to have a unique melody. It may be well worth your time to look it over before Sunday’s service!